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2011年11月至12月间,“西天中土”计划诚邀印度著名电影史家阿希什·拉贾德雅克萨(Ashish Rajadhyaksha)先生为策展人,推出了“你不属于:印度电影的过去与未来”(英文“You Don’t Belong: Pasts and Futures of Indian Cinema”)系列展映,展出包括剧情片、纪录片和实验影像在内的30余部印度独立电影,在北京、上海、广州、昆明接力放映,将宝莱坞以外的印度电影最新实践呈现在中国观众面前。

“印中电影与社会思想对话”(India-China Dialogue on Cinema and Social Thought)系列演讲和讨论也同期进行,穿插在展映之间。而由策展人阿希什·拉贾德雅克萨编辑的与影展内容相呼应的印度电影研究文集《你不属于:印度电影的过去与未来》(世纪文景出版)亦于同期发布,呈现印度的社会科学理论界如何尝试理解她的电影现象。


为与这场持续进行中的影展和讨论相呼应,经魔灯基金会(新德里)允许,CNEX 与西天中土从“你不属于”所展映的影片之中挑选出四部影片:《夜精灵的故事》,《我们如何欢庆自由》,《佳人如我》,《犯罪伙伴》以及2011年影展期间三场相关演讲和讨论的录影(参与嘉宾包括阿希什·拉贾德雅克萨,桑贾伊·卡克,帕罗米塔·沃拉,张献民,赵亮,吕新雨和吴觉人等),组成以“回味,‘你不属于’”为题的线上展映活动。我们期待以这样的形式,再次引起对于不同地域独立影像的关注,促进关于电影及电影理论的思考与交流,亦算作对“你不属于”两年以来进行的电影与电影理论交流实践进行一次适时的回望和反刍。

主办:西天中土/ CNEX

Retrospect, “You Don’t Belong”: Impressions of India Independent Films

In Nov 2011, West Heavens invited the renowned Indian film theorist, Ashish Rajadhyaksha as the curator and presented “You Don’t Belong: Pasts and Futures of Indian Cinema” film festival, which screened over 30 India independent films including drama, documentary and experimental images and toured from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou to Kunming. The Festival was aimed to present Indian film practices other than Bollywood movies, to China’s audience.

“India-China Dialogue on Cinema and Social Thought” was held along with the screening and the curator AshishRajadhyaksha also edited and published the Indian film research reader “You Don’t Belong: Pasts and Futures of Indian Cinema” in Chinese to illustrate how the Indian social science theorists try to explain India’s cinema phenomenon.

One year later, Oct 22nd 2012, with the great success in Main Land China, “You Don’t Belong” arrived in Hong Kong. With the title “You Don’t Belong: Moving Images from India”, it was organized in a different way to present the context of India independent films, in both public spaces and universities, and raised discussion about the relation between films and societies in Hong Kong’s culture and film circle.

To respond to that, CNEX and West Heavens present “Retrospect ‘You Don’t Belong’” online screening with 4 films from the origin, Tales of the Night Fairies, Jashn-e-Azadi: How We Celebrate Freedom, I’m The Very Beautiful! and Partners In Crime, along with three lecture videos (Featuring Ashish Rajadhyaksha, Sanjay Kak, Wu Jueren and etc.) from India-China Dialogue on Cinema and Social Thought. We hope, with this effort, independent images from different regions can spread and raise debates, so that there would be more intellectuals involved in the film and film theory thought exchange. It is also regarded as a review of “You Don’t Belong” two years’ practices and a preview of the future screening event in Taiwan.

Curated by Ashish Rajadhyaksha
Presented by West Heavens and CNEX
Supported by Moonchu Foundation, Hanart TZ Gallery, Magic Lantern Foundation, Inter-Asia School
Media Collaborate: Cinephilia,NetEase
Time: Since 1st Jan 2013
Screening Link
Douban Event Link



West Heavens

West Heavens is an integrated cross-cultural exchange programme. It aims to untangle and compare the different paths of modernity taken by India and China, to facilitate high-level communication between the two countries’ intellectual and art circles, and to promote interaction and cross-references between the two countries through social thoughts and contemporary art.  Since 2010, the project has organized more than 100 events including forums, exhibitions, film screenings and workshops, as well as publishing more than 10 books.



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  • West Heavens is an integrated cross-cultural exchange programme. It aims to untangle and compare the different paths of modernity taken by India and China, to facilitate high-level communication between the two countries’ intellectual and art circles, and to promote interaction and cross-references between the two countries through social thoughts and contemporary art. Since 2010, the project has organized more than 100 events including forums, exhibitions, film screenings and workshops, as well as publishing more than 10 books.

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