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荒诞哲学大师Albert Camus: The Sea Close By

模特兼演员Clara Paget漫步海边阅读荒诞哲学大师Albert Camus之作

从近观到远眺,镜头下伯恩茅斯的海岸线看似冰冷迷离却又洋溢着阳光的温度。兼模特和演员二职的Clara Paget行走于其间,在此令人回味的诗意短片中阅读了法国文学巨匠Albert Camus的一篇短文——出自《The Sea Close By》,由Penguin Classics (企鹅图书英国地区出版社)出版。导演兼摄影师Tom Beard受邀用视觉效果去诠释并解读文字,以此作为诺贝尔文学奖获奖作家Camus百年诞辰庆典(2013年)的一部分。

“我脑海中总是会有Camus那本《The Happy Death》其中一章《The House on Top of the World》的影像,”最近为FKA Twigs和Florence and the Machine打造了音乐录影带的Beard解释到,“这是他成长生活中的明媚景致——热浪、海洋、好天气,他描绘了一幅在阿尔及尔的惊人作品。所以我想尝试以非常英式的方式去传递,创造一种大家可以通过这篇文章被带到另一地方的感受。”

Beard这次使用16毫米胶片拍摄,并邀请明星老友Clara Paget作影片的旁白,她用沙哑又极富英式风情的声音呈献了Camus的抒情文字。“我很喜欢他的直率和坦诚的写作风格,我对Camus的作品非常熟悉,比如《The Stranger》和《The Fall》,而他的短片散文启发了我,让我对这作品有更深刻的探究。”以下便是Paget所朗诵的篇章原文。

I grew up with the sea and poverty was sumptuous.
But then I lost the sea and found all luxuries grey and poverty unbearable.
Since then I have been waiting.

I wait for the homebound ships, the house of the waters, the limpidity of day.
I wait patiently and polite with all my strength. Then see me walk by on fine and learned streets.

I admire landscapes, applaud like everyone else. Shake hands but it is not me speaking.
Then praise me and I dream a little. They insult me and I scarcely show surprise. I forget my smile at the man that insulted me.

I’m too courteous in greeting the person I love.
What can I do if all I can remember is one image?

Finally they call upon me to tell them who I am.
Though I possess nothing, I’ve given away my fortune.
Camped by the side of all my houses I can still be blessed with all the riches when I choose.

Set sail at every hour.
I’m known to despair.
There is no country for those who despair.
But I know that the sea comes before and after me and I hold my madness ready. Those who love and are separated can live in grief. This is not despair. They know that love exists. This is why I suffer, dry eyed in exile. The day comes at last.



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